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T. KRAJAEJUN - Clinical and Research Challenges for Pythium insidiosum

T. KRAJAEJUN - Clinical and Research Challenges for Pythium insidiosum, a Devastating Human and Animal Pathogenic Oomycete

23 avril 2024

11h - Salle de séminaire pôle BV

Theerapong KRAJAEJUN est professeur à la faculté de Médecine dans l'Université Mahidol à Bangkok en Thaïlande. Il présentera ses travaux le 23 avril à 11h à l'auditorium Lynn Margulis (PABS-B).


Pythium insidiosum - Dr. Chompoonek Yurayart
© Dr. Chompoonek Yurayart

Pythium insidiosum is a type of pathogenic oomycete that can infect humans and animals worldwide, leading to a severe infectious condition known as pythiosis. Diagnosis is difficult, and treatment options are limited and often ineffective. To address these challenges, a multifaceted research approach is necessary. Studying P. insidiosum genetic makeup, biodiversity, and virulence through genome sequencing and comparison is crucial and could reveal potential targets for developing a detection method, drug, and vaccine. Exploring host-pathogen interactions can also help in this regard. Dedicated basic and clinical research can markedly improve pythiosis management, ultimately reducing the impact of this devastating disease on human and animal health.


  1. Yolanda et al. Potential anti-Pythium insidiosum therapeutics identified through screening of agricultural fungicides. Microbiol Spectr. 2024;12(2):e0162023. 
  2. Kittichotirat et al. Pins Gene Table v2.0: An Online Genome Database of 37 Pythium insidiosum Strains for Gene Content Exploration and Phylogenomic Analysis. J Fungi. 2024;10(2):112. 
  3. Krajaejun et al. Secretome Profiling by Proteogenomic Analysis Shows Species-Specific, Temperature-Dependent, and Putative Virulence Proteins of Pythium insidiosum. J Fungi. 2022;8(5):527.
  4. Yolanda and Krajaejun. Global Distribution and Clinical Features of Pythiosis in Humans and Animals. J Fungi. 2022;8(2):182. 
  5. Sae-Chew et al. Automated Cell-Free Multiprotein Synthesis Facilitates the Identification of a Secretory, Oligopeptide Elicitor-Like, Immunoreactive Protein of the Oomycete Pythium insidiosum. mSystems. 2020;5(3):e00196-20. 

En savoir plus

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Theerapong KRAJAEJUN est un scientifique reconnu par les communautés de recherche sur les oomycètes et les champignons. Ses travaux portent sur un oomycète pathogène pour l'homme et l'animal, appelé Pythium insidiosum, qui représente un défi important. Ses recherches combinent des données omiques et des études d'interaction hôte-pathogène pour révéler des cibles potentielles impliquées dans sa virulence.

Contact: contact@fraib.fr