M. Vandenbussche

M. VANDENBUSSCHE - End of a 25 year old dogma:

M. VANDENBUSSCHE - End of a 25 year old dogma: A new class of floral homeotic mutants in Petunia imposes an alternative ABC model

18 septembre 2015

Salle de séminaire FR AIB

Michiel Vandennbussche, CR1 CNRS, propose une intervention sur le thème "End of a 25 year old dogma: A new class of floral homeotic mutants in Petunia imposes an alternative ABC model", dans le cadre du cycle Séminaires invités.


In the evolution & development of the flower team, we are pursuing a long-term research goal in which we aim to better understand the evolution and diversity of the floral regulatory gene network in the higher eudicot clade. To this end, we are identifying and characterizing the key-components of this network in Petunia, using forward and reverse genetics approaches. Arabidopsis and Petunia belong to the Rosids and Asterids respectively, which are thought to have diverged approximately 100 million years ago, and represent the two major groups within the eudicot species. Comparison of the floral gene network between these two species therefore allows to estimate the antiquity/divergence of the network across a deep evolutionary time-scale. Central in the floral gene network is the classic ABC model of floral organ identity, and comparative studies, including in Petunia, have provided compelling evidence for the molecular conservation of B and C class genes. In sharp contrast, the molecular identity of the A-function, in the Arabidopsis ABC model required for the identity of sepals and petals and to antagonize the C-function, remains poorly understood in other species.

Here, I will present our most recent results on the analysis of the Petunia A-function, demonstrating complete molecular divergence compared to Arabidopsis. Moreover, our results are incompatible with the classic ABC model, requiring an alternative floral model. Interestingly, this model explains better the existing floral diversity in nature, and provides a novel genetic framework to study perianth evolution.

In addition, I will briefly highlight how the advent of NGS technologies recently have turned Petunia into a very powerful model system suited to study a broad range of topics in plant biology.

En savoir plus

  • Equipe : Evolution & Development of the Flower team
  • Laboratoire : Reproduction & Developement of Plants Laboratory - UMR 5667 CNRS/INRA/ENSL/UCBL Ecole Normale Supérieure
  • Adresse : 46 allée d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex 07

Contact :Benoît Van Der Rest >>>

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr

Date de création : 06 juin 2023