E. Larrainzar - Legume-Rhizobium symbiotic interactions

E. Larrainzar - Legume-Rhizobium symbiotic interactions: from stress physiology to early signaling events

21 mars 2014

Salle de séminaire FRAIB

Estibaliz LARRAINZAR (Universidad Pública de Navarra) présente le séminaire intitulé "Legume-Rhizobium symbiotic interactions: from stress physiology to early signaling events".

Legume plants are able to establish nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with soil bacteria of theRhizobiumgenus. This symbiosis involves a complex reprogramming of plant root cells, leading to the formation of a new organ specialized in nitrogen fixation, the nodule. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation is an essential entry of reduced nitrogen into both natural and agronomical ecosystems. As such, the process of symbiosis establishment and maintenance is an active focus of research worldwide.

In the present talk I will provide an overview of the research projects I have been involved in during the last years, from the analysis of nodule metabolic responses to drought stress to the identification of transcriptional root responses during early symbiotic stages in the model legume Medicago truncatula.

Contact: Andreas.Niebel@toulouse.inra.fr