J. JACOBS - Plant pathogenic bacterial evolution from the genome to the field

J. JACOBS - Plant pathogenic bacterial evolution from the genome to the field

07 avril 2023

Salle de séminaire FR AIB

Jonathan Jacobs, professeur assistant au sein de l'université de l'Ohio (USA) et chef de l'équipe "Emerging infectious disease ecology laboratory" viendra présenter ses travaux le 7 avril prochain prochain à 10h en salle de séminaire FR.



@Jjacobs Lab

Plant leaves are dynamic living landscapes for microorganisms including pathogens. Bacteria in the genus Xanthomonas are common phyllosphere inhabitants but represent unique plant endophytes that sometimes cause disease. Disease outbreaks depend not only on molecular and cellular interactions between the pathogen and host but also the broader agroecosystem. The molecular underpinnings of inner leaf Xanthomonas-plant cell interactions are well-described, but the evolutionary events that lead to pathogen emergence remain understudied. Our team is using (meta)genomics for live pathogen tracking to define the complex events that lead to pathogen emergence. This presentation will focus on our current efforts using evolutionary genomics and metagenomics for tracking Xanthomonas during live outbreaks and to specifically describe the molecular basis for ongoing and emerging threats to crop production.

His team overall investigates the biological and evolutionary basis for microbial colonization of plants. The factors that contribute to pathogen evolution for niche-specific behavior remain unclear. His team is focused on understanding how pathogenic bacteria evolve and adapt to colonize different plant tissues. Their research uses novel, high-throughput technologies to determine the basis of tissue-specific behaviors in and host colonization by plant pathogenic bacteria.

En savoir plus


Dr. Jonathan M. Jacobs is a plant pathologist interested the basic and applied biology of plant-associated microbes that cause diseases on plants. For his postdoctoral research, Dr. Jacobs was a NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Biology at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement in Montpellier, France and a USDA NIFA Postdoctoral Fellow at Colorado State University. He also received a Fulbright Scholar Award to perform research at the Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium. He recently joined Ohio State as an Assistant Professor of Emerging Infectious Disease Ecology in the Department of Plant Pathology.


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Date de modification : 07 juillet 2023 | Date de création : 06 juin 2023