R. BART - Mechanisms that govern bacterial interactions with plant hosts

R. BART - Mechanisms that govern bacterial interactions with plant hosts

22 avril 2022

Salle de séminaire FR AIB

A l'occasion de son passage à Toulouse, Rebecca Bart donnera une présentation de ses travaux sur les interactions plantes / microbes, qu'elles soient bénéfiques ou au détriment de l'hôte. Cette intervention se déroulera en présentiel dans la salle de séminaire FR AIB.


Rebeca Bart work

Rebecca’s research combines genetics with molecular and computational biology to learn about the mechanisms used by hosts and pathogens to recognize and respond to one another and the environment.

The 21st century is a transformative time to be a geneticist with an affinity for agriculture because modern molecular biology tools can be readily applied to genetically intractable organisms. In the Bart Lab, we combine genetics with molecular and computational biology to further understand the complex interactions between hosts and pathogens. While most plants are resistant to most pathogens, when disease does occur, it can be devastating to farmers and consumers. Pesticides are often employed in an attempt to limit spread, further adding to the total cost of disease. The Bart lab focuses on exploring natural genetic diversity and exploiting identified phenotypic traits for sustainable crop improvement. We are currently focused on Bacterial Blight of cassava and cotton.

The disease triangle of plant pathology tells us that the host, the pathogen as well as the environment affect the observed severity of a given disease.

One of her last publication entitled "Improving disease resistance in plants by editing the epigenome" shows several aspect of this work.

En savoir plus

Rebecca est une chercheuse dans le domaine des interactions plantes-microbes aux centres d’intérêt très diversifiés, tel que les interactions entre le manioc et Xanthomonas. Elle a mis en place des outils de phénotypage innovants susceptibles de largement intéresser la communauté scientifique de la FR AIB. Elle est affectée au Plant Science Center, St Louis, MO, USA et actuellement en sabbatique en France.

Séminaire financé par la FR AIB.

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Date de création : 06 juin 2023