S. RADUTOIU - Plant-microbe interactions at the root-soil interface

S. RADUTOIU - Plant-microbe interactions at the root-soil interface

03 juin 2022

Salle de séminaire FR AIB

Simona RADUTOIU, professeur à l'université d'Aarhus (Danemark), travaille sur les interactions plantes - microorganismes, avec un intérêt plus particulier pour les symbioses. Au cours des 5 dernières années, elle a publié plus de 20 articles dans de prestigieuses revues scientifiques (Nature, PNAS...). Son séminaire, le 21 juin prochain à 10h30 en salle de séminaire FR AIB, s'adresse aussi bien aux personnes travaillant sur la signalisation cellulaire qu'à celles s'intéressant à l'écologie. Il sera plus particulièrement axé sur le comment les symbioses façonnent les communautés microbiennes.


Root nodule symbiosis established between legume and nitrogen fixing rhizobia is controlled by protein-carbohydrate recognition events that take place at the root epidermis -soil interface. Legumes use LysM receptor proteins to recognize carbohydrates produced by pathogens or symbionts. We have used reverse genetics, structural biology coupled with in planta functional studies to study their role in Lotus japonicus.

Our studies based on binary interactions identified novel components involved in carbohydrate signaling that contribute to the ability of Lotus to distinguish symbiotic and pathogenic microbes. Root nodule symbiosis establishes in the greater context of root microbiota establishment. However, the role of soil microbiota on legume-Rhizobium symbiosis is currently unknown. We have employed specific members of a newly established culture collection to investigate the complex Lotus-Rhizobium-soil bacteria interactions in tailored microcosms. Our findings from these investigations based on plant and bacterial mutants will be presented.

En savoir plus

Simona Radutoiu

Simona Radutoiu is group leader at Aarhus University and has worked for many years on the mechanisms of symbiotic signalling in the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis, including two recent papers on structure-function studies of Nod factor receptors (Bozsoki et al., 2020, Nature; Gysel et al., 2021 PNAS). More recently she has extended her work to study how the symbiosis affects and is affected by the root microbiota (Zgadzaj et al., 2016, PNAS; Wippel et al., 2021, Nature). She has published over 20 papers in the last 5 years and was awarded the Adam Kondorosi Academia Europaea award in 2016.

Séminaire financé par la FR AIB.

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Date de création : 06 juin 2023